imágenes e historias

fotografía, cine y todo lo demás

Stanger in Paradise (Guido Hendrikx, 2016)

An amazing and disturbing film by Guido Hendrikx that blends reality and fiction. Power relations between the “first world” and the rest of humanity appear raw and naked in this brilliant film essay.  

Charla y taller en DarkRoom Sevilla

Con muchas ganas de dar este taller en las nuevas instalaciones de DarkRoom Sevilla a finales de mayo. Muchas gracias de nuevo a Tolo Parra por invitarme. Más información

Interview for Aserica Magazine

I was recently interviewed by Matthieu Lunard and Natalie Malheiro for Hong Kong based Aserica Magazine.

Exposición en Gijón

Durante todo el mes de marzo se expondrá mi trabajo 42nd Street en la Galería Mediadvanced de Gijón.

Country Fictions featured in It’s Nice That

UNDO (Jean-Gabriel Périot, 2005)

Let’s try it again, humanity…

The Land of the Enlightened

Pieter-Jan de Pue spent seven years in Afghanistan and shot in beautiful 16mm this amazing film.

“I am not especially interested in anonymous photography, or pictorialist photography, or avant-garde photography, or in straight, crooked or any other subspecific category of photography; I am interested in the entire, indivisible, hairy beast.” John Szarkowski (1925-2007)

Lothar Baumgarten – Carbon (1991)

Video by Have a Nice Book